Hans Brehmer is an amazing musician and performer based in Seattle, WA. In addition to playing piano and singing, he composes much of his own material which he performs in an absolutely inimitable style. When God Was a Boy is a fine example of his work; except for a handful of selections on the album, Hans composed all the tunes and they showcase his sometimes irreverent, sometimes "twisted . . . bordering on the offensive" (his own description from the liner notes to the album) approach to song writing. I don't know how twisted his songs are, but they certainly are imaginative, encapsulating as they do some of Hans' own experiences into neat musical vignettes which communicate directly to the listener. Listen to his "Jazz in a Country Bar," for instance, to get some insight into the adventures of an aspiring jazz musician trying to make a go of it in the hinterlands of rural western Washington--baptism by fire! Another tune, "The 'Lectric Chair," delineates another aspect of life in America, specifically the gridlocked arterials of America's big cities which drive people into fits of road rage.